Art History Specialization

Art history is the study of the historical context of aesthetic objects and visual expressions. It covers everything from the earliest cave paintings to contemporary works of art. It is an important subject for any student who wants to know more about the world around them. Moreover, art history is a great way to learn about the culture and traditions of the world. This course will help you learn about the art and its various branches, including architecture, painting, sculpture, and even photography.


Iconography in art history is a study of symbols in different media. The process of identifying, describing, and classifying symbols has been going on for centuries. Icons are often depicted as short, descriptive words, or can be elaborate descriptions. The development of photography in the 19th century had a direct impact on the development of iconography. The growing need to organize image collections led to the development of formalized iconographic standards. In 1917, the Index of Medieval Art at Princeton University was founded, and it has continued to help iconography research.

Iconography was first discussed in the late medieval period. However, it did not gain wide currency until the early twentieth century. Art historians were not usually concerned with this area of study, so Aby Warburg brought it into the limelight. Iconology has since evolved into a branch of art history and is now a growing field of research. Today, more iconographers are using it to support non-visual studies.


Attribution in art history is the process of assigning a particular work of art to its creator. Sometimes the decision is made based on the existence of documents, while other times it is based on stylistic evidence. In either case, the process of attribution is based on the notion that an artist is expressing his or her uniqueness and individuality. Here are some common examples of cases when attribution is important.

Attribution is a fundamental concept in art history and the establishment of value in artwork. It involves determining who created a work, including the author of the work and any student. It also involves determining the authenticity of an allegedly fake work. Many provenance researchers face challenges in establishing attribution, including the absence of photographic records of works of art. The process becomes even more difficult when dealing with antiquities, which are often misidentified and misrepresented in databases.

Specializations in art history

A Specialization in art history allows students to focus on a specific time period or artist. It also teaches students to analyze and interpret information from a variety of sources. Students will learn how to apply critical thinking and analytical skills to a variety of work environments, including the workplace and advocacy. This degree demonstrates a dedication to the study of art, as well as a passion for learning. It is a great choice for those interested in the history of art.

The study of art has many different specializations. Historically, art history has been divided into areas by culture, eras, and media. These divisions are often accompanied by sub-fields that are a part of the general field. For example, there are specializations in Ancient art, Greek and Roman art, and Indian art. Since the 1980s, however, non-Western and global perspectives have become more prominent within the field of art history.